hi @ all,
i hope u can helping me.
iam installing ionic framework now and i will test the feeds.
i open the old demo from here and watching the links how u build that.
But ionic is different.
i copying the man.js, feed.js, jfeeds and all in ionic.
i open ionic .html and app.js.
In App.js i found the links.
its lookink so:
.state('app.browse', {
url: "/browse",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "templates/browse.html"
i found browse.html and open:
<ion-view view-title="Browse">
i open the demo jbackend i have this:
var loader;
// List of feeds to retrieve
var feeds = {
section_a: "http://www.aramaplatform.com/rest/get/content/articles?catid=2&maxsubs=2&limit=10&orderby=id&orderdir=desc",
section_b: "http://www.aramaplatform.com/rest/get/content/articles?catid=8&maxsubs=2&limit=10&orderby=id&orderdir=desc",
section_c: "http://www.aramaplatform.com/rest/get/content/articles?catid=9&maxsubs=2&limit=10&orderby=id&orderdir=desc"
// List of feeds to retrieve
/*var feeds = {
section_a: "feed.php?id=2",
section_b: "feed.php?id=8",
section_c: "feed.php?id=9"
Can u tell me please what is the way to replace the demo feeds in ionic ?
did u have a demo app from ionic too ?
i dont know what i must replace in ionic.
pls guys can u tell me how ?
thank u all for helping me i know it is only for jbackend plugin, but i will doing at ionic app + joomla article.
For wordpress i found tutorials, but for joomla I cant found anythink.
thank you