The ZOO Module is implemented with the plg_jbackend_zoo plugin. It provides functions related to ZOO extension (applications, categories and items). Here is the list of supported methods.
action=get module=zoo resource=categories app=<app id>
{ "status": "ok", "total": <T>, "categories": [ { "id": "<category id>", "name": "<category name>", "alias": "<category alias>", "description": "<description>", "parent": "<parent id>" }, ... { "id": "<category id>", "name": "<category name>", "alias": "<category alias>", "description": "<description>", "parent": "<parent id>" } ]}
action=get module=zoo resource=categories id=<N> app=<app id>
{ "status": "ok", "id": "<category id>", "name": "<category name>", "alias": "<category alias>", "description": "<category description>", "application_id": "<application id>", "parent": "<parent id>", "ordering": "<ordering>", "content_subtitle": "<content subtitle>", "content_image": "<content image>", "content_image_width": "<content image width>", "content_image_height": "<content image height>", "metadata_title": "<meta title>", "metadata_description": "<meta description>", "metadata_keywords": "<meta keywords>", "metadata_robots": "<meta robots>", "metadata_author": "<meta author>" }
action=get module=zoo resource=items category=<C> limit=<L> (optional) page=<P> (optional) app=<app id>
{ "status": "ok", "total": <T>, "limit": <L>, "page": <P>, "items": [ { "id": "<item id>", "name": "<item name>", "alias": "<item alias>", "created": "<created date>", "created_by": "<created by id>", "modified": "<modified date>", "modified_by": "<modified by id>", "publish_up": "<publish up date>", "publish_down": "<publish down date>" }, ... { "id": "<item id>", "name": "<item name>", "alias": "<item alias>", "created": "<created date>", "created_by": "<created by id>", "modified": "<modified date>", "modified_by": "<modified by id>", "publish_up": "<publish up date>", "publish_down": "<publish down date>" }
Created and modified date format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
action=get module=zoo resource=items id=<N> app=<app id>
{ "status": "ok", "id": "<item id>", "name": "<item name>", "alias": "<item alias>", "application_id": "<application id>", "type": "<item type>", "created": "<created date>", "created_by": "<created by id>", "modified": "<modified date>", "modified_by": "<modified by id>", "publish_up": "<publish up date>", "publish_down": "<publish down date>", "priority": "<item priority>", "state": "<item state>", "searchable": "<is searchable>", "access": "<item access>", "hits": <item hits>, "metadata_title": "<meta title>", "metadata_description": "<meta description>", "metadata_keywords": "<meta keywords>", "metadata_robots": "<meta robots>", "metadata_author": "<meta author>", "enable_comments": "<enable comments>", "primary_category": "<primary category id>", "elements": { "<element 1 id>": { "identifier": "<element 1 id>", "type": "<element type>", "data": { "<field 1 name>": "<field 1 value>", ... "<field M name>": "<field M value>" } }, ... "<element N id>": { "identifier": "<element N id>", "type": "<element type>", "data": { "<field 1 name>": "<field 1 value>", ... "<field L name>": "<field L value>" } }, } }
Created and modified date format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
When option Identify elements is set to No, the elements structure is different:
"elements": [ { "identifier": "<element 1 id>", "type": "image", "data": { "<field 1 name>": "<field 1 value>", ... "<field M name>": "<field M value>" } }, { "identifier": "<element N id>", "type": "textarea", "data": { "<field 1 name>": "<field 1 value>", ... "<field L name>": "<field L value>" } } ]
The following options are available for user plugin:
Option | Description |
Update hits | Update hits counter for each request. |
Identify elements | Use field identifier as key to build the elements in the response. |
Include elements | Include elements data in the list of items. |
Name elements | Use a slug name for elements (in lowercase without blanks). |
The K2 Module is implemented with the plg_jbackend_k2 plugin. It provides functions related to K2 content construction kit for Joomla (items and categories). Here is the list of supported methods.
action=get module=k2 resource=categories rootid=<R> (optional) endlevel=<E> (optional)
{ "status": "ok", "total": <T>, "categories": [ { "id": "<category id>", "name": "<category name>", "alias": "<category alias>", "description": "<category description>", "parent": "<parent category id>" }, ... { "id": "<category id>", "name": "<category name>", "alias": "<category alias>", "description": "<category description>", "parent": "<parent category id>" } ] }
If rootid is specified, starts to get subcategories from the specified category id instead of the root category. If endlevel is specified, get categories and all subcategories up to the specified number of level, otherwise get all levels (default).
action=get module=k2 resource=categories id=<N>
{ "status": "ok", "id": "<category id>", "name": "<category name>", "alias": "<category alias>", "description": "<category description>", "robots": "<meta robots>", "author": "<meta author>", "language": "<language code>", "parent": "<category id>" }
Language can be "*" if any.
action=get module=k2 resource=items cats=<C1,C2,...,CN> (optional) subs=<0|1> (optional) featured=<0|1|2> (optional) limit=<L> (optional) page=<P> (optional) ordering=<field> (optional)
{ "status": "ok", "total": "<total items>", "limit": <pagination limit>, "offset": <pagination offset>, items: [ { "id": "<item id>", "title": "<item title>", "alias": "<item alias>", "content": "<item content>", "featured": "<featured>", "images": { "image": "<image URL>", "imageWidth": "<image width>", "image_caption": "<image caption>", "image_credits": "<image credits>", "imageXSmall": "<image extra small URL>", "imageSmall": "<image small URL>", "imageMedium": "<image medium URL>", "imageLarge": "<image large URL>", "imageXLarge": "<image extra large URL>" }, "video": { "video": "<video URL>", "video_caption": "<video caption>", "video_credits": "<video credits>" }, "language": "<item language>", "category_id": "<category id>", "category_name": "<category name>", "author": "<item author>", "created": "<item creation date>", "modified": "<item modification date>" }, ... { ... } ] }
List of categories id to include
0=Do not include sub categories (default), 1=Include sub categories
0=Hide, 1=Show (default), 2=Show only featured items
date, rdate, alpha, ralpha, order, rorder, featured, hits, rand, best, modified, publishUp, id (default)
Created and modified date format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
action=get module=k2 resource=items id=<N>
{ "status": "ok", "id": "<item id>", "title": "<item title>", "alias": "<item alias>", "content": "<item content>", "featured": "<featured>", "images": { "image": "<image URL>", "imageWidth": "<image width>", "image_caption": "<image caption>", "image_credits": "<image credits>", "imageXSmall": "<image extra small URL>", "imageSmall": "<image small URL>", "imageMedium": "<image medium URL>", "imageLarge": "<image large URL>", "imageXLarge": "<image extra large URL>" }, "video": { "video": "<video URL>", "video_caption": "<video caption>", "video_credits": "<video credits>" }, "metadesc": "<meta description>", "metakey": "<meta keywords>", "metadata": { "robots": "<meta robots>", "author": "<meta author>", "rights": "<meta content rights>", "xreference": "<meta external reference>" }, "language": "<language code>", "category_id": "<category id>", "category_name": "<category name>", "author": "<item author>", "created": "<item creation date>", "modified": "<item modification date>" }
Created and modified date format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Language can be "*" if any.
The following options are available for user plugin:
Option | Description |
Full image URL | Generate absolute URL (i.e. with domain) for images fields. |
Full video URL | Generate absolute URL (i.e. with domain) for video fields. |
Full img tag URL | Force absolute URL (i.e. with domain) in any HTML img tag. |
Content in items | Include or exclude full content in the items response. |