I've downloaded and test the community version. Congrats !
I've also play with the helloWorld plugin and start to add the features I need. I've also read most of the forum's post and documentation. However, I have some questions.
After paying the subscription, does the licence allow to install on several site ? In my case, we'll have a production site, preprod one and test site. All 3 on different domains.
Our Joomla site shows data. Some are public, some is reserved to registered users (some thousands). We want to allow some developers to collect these data (both types) to include them in their own sites or apps (smartphones/tablets). Our first API version will be "basic" (identify and get the list of data with possible filter on date). We won't implement push for now.
Our intend is to ask these developers to register on our site, fill a request form and manually create key for them (for their apps). Thus we want to know exactly to whom we grant the API usage. But how send them the key ? Ideally we should have a menu for the frontend giving access to the list of the keys of the current registered user. But I don't think you have such ? Is it scheduled ?
The key is associated to a user. Does it mean the API grant this user privileges ? If some articles are only visible to super-users as an example, the userto whom we deliver a key is a standard registered one. As an interactive user he won't see the reserved articles. Does the API (content) allow to extract all articles ? Only those conforming the ACL of this user ?