Hi and thanks for your inquire.
As you can see from online documentation, jBackend provides the basic "framework" to extend Joomla with custom API. It provides a plugin system for adding new APIs and support new extensions. At the moment only two plugins are ready and they provide the following API:
User Module API
Content Module API
Now I'm working on new modules (K2 is almost ready) and on J2 porting, as required by many users. But developers can extend jBackend with their plugins. I will provide online documentation for developers soon, but existing code is really clear, and if you need more info send me a private message to info(at)selfget.com.
About your questions:
- login using username/password, (for requests for logged users, do we need to include always the username/password in the request ?)
Yes, is already supported and t works with session cookie just like Joomla, so there's no need to pass user/pass on each request after logged in.
- regirster,
Yes, already supported, Look at API docs.
- create new articles ?
Not supported. It should be implemented in the content module or in a new (admin) module.
- upload pictures for thoses articles ?
Not supported. It should be implemented in the content module or in a new (admin) module.
- get details of categories and articles.
Yes, already supported. Look at API docs for details about supported fields. New fields can be added easily.
Kind regards,