Hi yesterday I purchased and installed Jbackend 1.0.2 for Joomla 2.5 on our test site, an exact copy of our Joomla live site but in a subdirectory.
Installation seemed, and I created a menu link to access and configure the component.
However when I try to access the component through the browser with two versions of the menu link I get the following errors.
Error 1 with using link 1 -
Table 'testdatabasej25.mph_jbackend_keys' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT k.id, k.key, k.user_id, k.daily_requests, k.expiration_date, k.comment, k.hits, k.last_visit, DATE_FORMAT(k.current_day, "%Y-%m-%d") as current_day, k.current_hits, k.ordering, k.published, k.checked_out, k.checked_out_time,ku.name as user_name, ku.username as user_username, ku.email as user_email,uc.name AS editor FROM mph_jbackend_keys AS k LEFT JOIN `mph_users` ku ON ku.id=k.user_id LEFT JOIN mph_users AS uc ON uc.id = k.checked_out WHERE (k.published IN (0, 1)) ORDER BY k.ordering asc Table 'testdatabasej25.mph_jbackend_keys' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT k.id, k.key, k.user_id, k.daily_requests, k.expiration_date, k.comment, k.hits, k.last_visit, DATE_FORMAT(k.current_day, "%Y-%m-%d") as current_day, k.current_hits, k.ordering, k.published, k.checked_out, k.checked_out_time,ku.name as user_name, ku.username as user_username, ku.email as user_email,uc.name AS editor FROM mph_jbackend_keys AS k LEFT JOIN `mph_users` ku ON ku.id=k.user_id LEFT JOIN mph_users AS uc ON uc.id = k.checked_out WHERE (k.published IN (0, 1)) ORDER BY k.ordering asc LIMIT 0, 20 Table 'testdatabasej25.mph_jbackend_keys' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT k.id, k.key, k.user_id, k.daily_requests, k.expiration_date, k.comment, k.hits, k.last_visit, DATE_FORMAT(k.current_day, "%Y-%m-%d") as current_day, k.current_hits, k.ordering, k.published, k.checked_out, k.checked_out_time,ku.name as user_name, ku.username as user_username, ku.email as user_email,uc.name AS editor FROM mph_jbackend_keys AS k LEFT JOIN `mph_users` ku ON ku.id=k.user_id LEFT JOIN mph_users AS uc ON uc.id = k.checked_out WHERE (k.published IN (0, 1)) ORDER BY k.ordering asc
Error 2 with using link 2 -
500 - An error has occurred.
View not found [name, type, prefix]: request, html, jbackendView
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