I am wanting to use some emag software called 3Dissue
If you know anything about emag software, it is usually cloud based....but with cloud based there are lots of fees, usually there isnt an established API and its not what I am looking for.
I came across 3Dissue. 3Dissue is installed on a pc, we then covert a pdf of our magazine, and then we upload the files 3Dissue creates into a directory on our website: EG:
What I need to be able to do, is have the login feature of 3Dissue integrate with Joomla users...so that our customers have one login that will access both the joomla website AND 3Dissue.
I spoke to 3Dissue, and they sent me the attached word document explaining how we can integrate their login feature with a rest api.
Could you possible take a look and advise how best to use jBackend and 3Dissue?
Thanks so much
P.S. I have set up a test joomla installation that I can send you logins for.