Hi. first,thank you for your useful product.
i see your documention and example for my subject in this link:
this example work very good in my test:
From URL: ^/category/oldfolder/
To URL: {scheme}://{siteurl}/category/newfolder/{pathltrim /category/oldfolder/}{queryfull}
Request only: true (checked)
but i think there is a problem with url which have persian words. in my case i want forward this and all article's bellow it:
(or maybe change name of subcategory in few case)
and these word's in persian are:
category1 = اخبار
subcategory = گزارش
category2 = تحلیل و بررسی
title for a test article = عنوان برای یک مطلب تست
so SEF url of FROM is:
and sef url of TO is:
http://www.domain.com/تحلیل و بررسی/گزارش/عنوان-برای-یک-مطلب-تست
(as you can see, in persian SEF url, catagory is in right section of url and then subcatagory and title is beside of domain name)
so i use bellow strings for redirect:
FROM: ^/اخبار/گزارش/
TO: {scheme}://{siteurl}/تحلیل-و-بررسی/گزارش/{pathltrim /اخبار/گزارش/}{queryfull}
But result is:
is there any solotion for this issue?
thank you