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Finish Publishing Request

7 years 5 months ago #6354 by Sarge
Finish Publishing Request was created by Sarge
Hello !
First of all - thank you for the smart REDJ component !

But there is a missing option for all items - "Finish Publishing" date (similar field like for Articles)
An idea is the same - when a "Finish Publishing" date come - an item automatically disables and moves to Archive.

Is it possible to add this option to your REDJ Enterprise ?
I'm very interested to buy the one with this feature.

Best regards,

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7 years 5 months ago #6358 by admin
Replied by admin on topic Finish Publishing Request
Hi Serge,
thanks for sharing this idea, I think I can add it in the next version, together with categories for rules, it makes sense to me.

Kind regards,

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7 years 5 months ago #6365 by Sarge
Replied by Sarge on topic Finish Publishing Request
Hi Luigi,
thank you very much for your kind reply and approvement of the idea !

But WHEN do you plan to issue a new version ?
Frankly I'd buy your "Enterprise" version right today with such new features - because it's important for me asap.

If it's possible - could you speed up your new version ?
Thank you in advance if you can !
Best regards,

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7 years 5 months ago #6366 by admin
Replied by admin on topic Finish Publishing Request
Hi Serge,
sorry but I've just released a new version and still busy on the other extensions, so I do not have plan to work on the next right now.

Kind regards,

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7 years 5 months ago #6369 by Sarge
Replied by Sarge on topic Finish Publishing Request
Hi Luigi,

I'm VERY sorry about that...

Your idea about "Categories for rules" could be complicate and "time eating" to create, but "Finish Publishing" is actually one MySQL field and piece of PHP code plus trigger to archive on expire...

Still hope you could improve that asap...

Best regards,

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7 years 5 months ago #6370 by Sarge
Replied by Sarge on topic Finish Publishing Request
...and still I'd be glad to subscribe to your Enterprise version with such a "Finish Publishing" feature...

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