For a local history website I have been asked to tag all articles with the Dublin Core metadata set.
This is a standard which needs to place tages like this:
<meta name="dc.language" CONTENT="En">
<meta name="dc.source" CONTENT="">
<meta name="dc.relation" CONTENT="">
<meta name="dc.title" CONTENT="a title">
<meta name="dc.keywords" CONTENT="more keywords">
<meta name="dc.subject" CONTENT="the subject">
<meta name="dc.description" CONTENT="A description of the content">
As I am worried about replacing the existing "normal" tags on the site can Tag-Meta be configured to automatically add these for each article?
I would save no time over manually entering them each time in my editor if I cannot generate them tjis way on the fly......
Thanks in advance from this new Tag Meta user.