Version 1.9.1:
- Fixed REGEP BINARY query error with MySQL 8.
Version 1.9.0:
- Added macros {camelcase}, {ucwords}, {synonyms} and {nodevalue}.
Version 1.8.0:
- Improved autokeywords generation;
- Changed some code for PHP 7 compatibility.
Version 1.7.8:
- Fixed an issue with pagination;
- Document info now updated after each rule to fully support cascading rules.
Version 1.7.7 (only for J3):
- Added rule condition to skip rule;
- Improved the rules view.
Version 1.7.6:
- Fixed an issue with radio buttons in the rule save (only for J3).
Version 1.7.5:
- Fixed an issue with filter in search tools on rules and synonyms;
- Improved route_url() function;
- Fixed an issue with drop_query_vars() function;
- Fixed an issue with {tableselect};
- Fixed an issue with {autokeywords}, {autokeywords2} and {autosentence};
- Fixed an issue with {requestvar}.
Version 1.7.4:
- Fixed code for PHP 5.5 deprecated preg_replace /e modifier;
- Fixed issue with {queryvar} macro;
- Fixed issue with {substr} macro;
- Added macros {queryappend}, {querybuildappend} and {querydropappend};
- Added macros {username} and {userid};
- Added macros {preg_subject} and {preg_placeholder};
- Added macros {lowercase} and {uppercase}.
Version 1.7.3:
- Improved macro {queryfull};
- Added field custom header to add any custom meta tag to the html head;
- Added support for meta robots ydir;
- Fixed an issue with macro {autosentence} (thanks to Diego for reporting);
- Improved macro {routeurl} for the unwanted variables removal;
- Added macros {urldecode}, {rawurldecode}, {urlencode} and {rawurlencode};
- Added macro {str_replace};
- Added macro {placeholder_select} (only for Enterprise);
- Added button to reset statistics (hits and last visit);
- Added a tracing option to print information on the console log (like routed URL variables and rules applied);
- Fixed and issue with utf8_decode used with urldecode;
- Added macro {pathfolder} (only for Enterprise).
Version 1.7.2:
- Impreved macro {routeurl} to support menu items;
- Now is possible to remove variables (!var) in the macro {routeurl};
- Added macro {autosentence m,M};
- Added macro {substr start,length}text{/substr};
- Added macro {strip_tags}text{/strip_tags};
- Added macro {extract N}text{/extract};
- Added macro {extractp N}text{/extractp};
- Added macro {extractdiv N}text{/extractdiv}.